The worst kind of nightmare

 I don't have bad dreams in the traditional sense. Monsters in the closet and things that go BOO in the night don't inhabit my nocturnal hours. Instead, I have a series of dreams where I am in work situations feeling way over my head.

Last night, I was back in the radio business floating through a program director's job not knowing what the hell I was doing. In my dream, I thought about doing one of two things: tossing it and trying something else or knuckling down and doing a proper job of it.

I remember the feeling of being overwhelmed and being an imposter in several different jobs, particularly in the early days. In all cases though, I chose Door Number Two and knuckled down and got very good at what I did. 

In a way, I've been doing the same thing with art for the past 10 years. I like to say that I am completely self taught, and stubbornly so. That may sound brash and possibly cocky, but I believe going on the journey without overt influences has allowed it to evolve the way that it has. Because of my lack of formal art education, I still have some remnants of imposter syndrome that wash over me from time to time. 

"Do you teach lessons?" I often get asked.

"I would never use the word teach," I reply. "Instead, I invite people to come and paint with me."

I offer support, mentorship and even nuggets of wisdom about the business of art. I don't impose a step by step by step prescriptive methodology to my workshops. Instead, I invite participants to explore their own voice and style. They get to make choices that make the finished work entirely their own.

Our first Birdsong Friday Nights workshop is coming up on Friday, October 18th. For three hours, a small group of us will be painting the Frankenstein Monster. While the subject will be the same, everyone's exploration with this iconic horror film character will be unique.

The cost to join us for our Birdsong Friday Nights workshop is $50 per occasion. Registration is strictly done online here. Be sure to scroll down under shipping options and select NO SHIPPING REQUIRED.


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