
 Early this morning, we crossed another major milestone on our SEED Homes journey. For the first time in 10 months, the lot adjacent to ours is completely clean.


The owners have graciously allowed us to use it as a laydown yard during the construction phase. Darcy from SEED Homes rolled up early this morning and removed the small amount of remaining material. 

The studio building was a flurry of activity yesterday as Jonathon, Vanessa and Evgenii did some final tasks and touch ups.

Evgenii's eyes lit up as soon as he walked into the studio. His eyes locked in on a portrait of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine.

"My president," he said immediately.

Evgenii and his wife Natalia have deep roots in Ukraine. They were there when the bombs started falling at the beginning of the war and they know all too closely the horrors of living in a battle zone. Their connection to the president is a little deeper than just a patriotic response. Natalia is a professional make-up artist and worked on the president, long before he entered the political sphere. He was the star of a hit Ukrainian tv show called "Servant of the People". It seemed a no-brainer to gift them with a couple prints of their leader. It was also Evgenii's first day on the job with SEED Homes. 

We are waiting on two things before we can call construction completely done. A new exterior door needs to be installed in the Bird's Nest. After that happens, the bamboo feature wall will be put up. Then the Airbnb suite can be fully set up and made available. Hopefully those final pieces will happen soon.

With the anticipation of full completion, we are planning an OPEN HOUSE of our entire property to put a pretty bow on this entire process. It will happen on October 5 and 6. On those afternoons, we will invite people to tour through the very first SEED Home and the Birdsong Studios building. Then we'll raise a glass with our SEED Homes friends and drink a toast.


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