A monumental day

I am sitting at my desk in the studio, the main entrance door wide open, the breeze blowing in. Jazz music is playing softly as the birds sing off in the distance. It's a relaxing end to what felt like a monumental day.

There have been several big days on this development journey. The day they broke ground on tying in water and sewer was significant. The arrival of our house, the very first SEED Home, was a day many of us will never forget. Getting occupancy and being able to move in just before Christmas felt like the ultimate gift. Today was one of those very special days.

The building inspector arrived and did his intrinsic walkabout. And while there are a few things to do to finish off the project, we have conditional occupancy on Birdsong Studio 3.0 in High River. That means that come Monday we can apply for our business license and officially open our doors. 

Dominic, Dave and Steve from Farmboy Landscaping contributed to our huge day, too.  They finished off the fence and steps into the main house. When the back gate gets built on Monday, we will have a backyard! So exciting, especially for the dogs.
They also helped us set the stage to install the BOOK NEST, our little lending library crafted by Heather and her dad.
One of our favourite things about our Elma Street home in Okotoks was the little lending library out front. We wanted to continue that tradition in our new community. 

I also found time to take the dogs on the full loop in the forest, about a 7 kilometre stroll.
In addition to getting a really nice shot of the ospreys, I had my first sighting of a pileated woodpecker. It was a good day. Scratch that. It was a great day. 


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