Refreshing rain


The main door of the studio is wide open as the heavy rain falls on a Thursday morning. It's so nice to hear the sounds and soak in the energy of the earth replenishing itself with much needed moisture. I love the temperature this kind of weather provides. The inside of the studio is sitting at a very comfortable 20 degrees. The air smells fresh.

I started my day going through the final few boxes that needed to be unpacked. Once I take a few things out to our storage locker (we have a small 5' x 10' that is a 5 minute drive away), our move - a year in the offing - can finally be declared done. I finally know where everything is and while bits and bobs might get moved around and adjusted in the next few weeks, I feel a profound sense of relief in getting to this point.

I haven't been terribly productive in July as this final push to completion happened. I'm eager to jump in and start making progress on a series of commissions that have been patiently waiting. I'm equally eager to explore new subject, techniques and creative ideas. I can't wait for Heather to feel comfortable and inspired to do the same. Her painting zone is almost ready. All I have to do is get rid of the rolling cart that no longer has a purpose. 

The building itself is almost fully equipped with HVAC: electric furnace, HRV (heat recovery ventilator) and air conditioning. The gents from SOBO Plumbing and Heating just have the last bit of ducting to do and it will be ready. Then the SEED Homes team rolls in to install the skirting and what we all the "dog house" - the enclosure that houses the furnace and HRV. The final piece of the puzzle with be the last bits of construction of our fence, remaining decking and landscaping. 


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