Birdsong Studio completion


Heather and I worked together to move things around to allow the ladies from Foothills Integrity Cleaning to do a deep clean of the studio space. When they were done we were able to lay down a layer of poly and canvas. We did it first, with too much input from me (Sorry Love), then did it again later the next day the way Heather had originally designed it. Now..the protective covering of poly and canvas can easily be rolled up when we have special events, and then rolled back out when we need to get back to work.  

The Ideal Protein office is fully set up and ready to welcome current and future dieters. It's spacious, comfortable, bright, clean and welcoming. And the wide passageway almost begs visitors to find out what is happening in the space beyond. 

Art is on the walls - almost 60 pieces - inviting visitors to explore, ask questions and hopefully be inspired to buy things. 

The team from SEED Homes now will start on all the remaining exterior things like the installation of HVAC and skirting. Once those pieces are done, the team from Farmboy Landscaping will return to complete the landscaping in the back, the studio deck, main entrance steps and the fencing. They will also build the main entrance steps to the house.

It's been a long journey that started one year ago. This is Heather and I standing in the frame of what would become the first SEED Home back on July 26, 2023. 


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