Pod diving


Our storage pod arrived the other day and was placed next to the new studio building. Heather and I opened it up right away to have a look but waited until yesterday to dive in and start to look for things. 

While our higher goal was to find some things for the markets coming up, we pulled out all of our remaining Ideal Protein supplies that were sitting in cabinets right at the front. We laid out a tarp and started unloading. In the process we started making delightful discoveries of products that clients have been asking for that haven't been available in some time: Crispy Cereal, Cheese Omlette and Vegi Chili Mix to name a few. A pile quickly built on top of the island in our house. 

We moved boxes and boxes on to the tarp and eventually found the ones with art cards, matted prints and puzzles right at the back. Also buried near the back of the pod were cushions for our tv room sofa, cushions for our outdoor patio furniture and the bed frame for the bed in our guest bedroom. 

As the floor in the new studio is largely done in my painting area, I decided to remove my painting stuff from the house and get set up in there. That allowed me the chance to clean the walls and floor in the guest bedroom and get it set up for its permanent intended purpose of being a place for guests to sleep.

As calm and clean turned to dissonance and disorder, I quickly realized that I needed to focus on one task at a time and in the right order to get things back to some semblance of order by the end of the day. We were both exhausted by the time dinner rolled around. 

In the back of both of our minds was the upcoming Elma Street ArtsWalk and other markets coming up. I had hoped to find our grid wall system and the pop up tent. While I could see the grid wall, we couldn't get to it. The pop up tent was nowhere to be found. I'm still befuddled where it might be. So, we are simply going to set up a couple of tables - which we did find - and put out a selection of art cards, small paintings, matted prints and puzzles. Our purpose is less rooted in making sales and more about reconnecting with the community. 

I will paint in the new studio for the first time tomorrow. I spent a few quiet moments sitting in my chair in the east corner of the studio right after dinner. The light was incredible. While the space still needs to be completely finished and cleaned, I'll be able to enjoy Sunday completing a commission piece and getting a sense of what Birdsong Studio 3.0 is going to feel like. 

The other thing that was happening during this crazy day was a video about SEED Homes (and our home) was going viral on Youtube. 
Kerry Tarnow has grown an incredible following of a quarter million people interested in modular home innovation. In the first day, his video about his tour of SEED Homes and our place in High River has been seen by over 30,000 people. There are over 200 comments and questions so far from people all over the world. He has an incredible reach. Meanwhile, back at SEED Homes HQ the phone was ringing off the hook. You can watch the video here.

Meanwhile, part of my brain was anticipating our trip to Saskatchewan which is coming up in less than a week. Both of our sons and their respective partners will join Heather and I for a trip to Watrous where we will celebrate the wedding of my brother's eldest daughter. We will also take the opportunity to travel to Kamsack to visit my parents. My Dad was in my thoughts all day as he was in the hospital getting some care after a fall. I was relieved to hear that by the time we were nearing the end of our hectic day, he was released and heading home with Mom. He will turn 89 this August and is still living in the family home. 


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