Pitching in


While Jonathan and Zubir laid down the bamboo flooring yesterday, finishing off the studio section and moving into the office area, I started the cleaning process behind them. Normally, the clean is part of the SEED Homes team process near the end of construction. However, I am chomping at the bit to get the studio space ready as soon as possible.

It's amazing how much dust and grime builds up and sticks to the Trusscore wall and ceiling panels and the floor boards. We don't have the plumbing activated out in the studio building yet, so I would tromp into the house, fill up my bucket with hot, soapy water, and take it out back. I made this trip multiple times through the day, between bouts of painting. I like breaking up my activities.

The flooring is about ninety percent complete in the studio and office section. There is just a small area remaining to be done on the south side. Once those boards are installed we can complete the clean. Heather has a plan of how to lay down poly and canvas in the studio space. Once the floor is protected, we will start to load in everything and empty out our storage pod. 

While all this work was happening, Kerry Tarnow's video about our SEED Homes journey was ripping up the internet. The second video released after his visit to our place last week is an interview with Heather and I. Its views surpassed the first video in less than a day and as of this morning has been seen by almost 70,000 people. You can watch it here.

One of the first pieces to go up in the finished studio will be this photograph by Robbie Coppard. It features the mural walls of Birdsong Studio 1.0 in Fort McMurray. Located at the back of our former home on Demers Drive, it was built by the late Jim Dorie who I believe infused it with the positive and creative energy that changed the trajectory of our lives. It is also a place that sparks many great memories. We LOVED our time in Fort McMurray and in this small creative space. We are excited to continue what it started ten years ago this month with the mural painting of Elsie Yanik. 


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