Good ideas catch wind

 It was over a year ago that we saw our first glimpse of the SEED Homes concept. CEO Stephen Morgan had done a promotional video on Facebook from the Okotoks trade show. Heather and I both saw it at a time when we didn't know what we were going to do housing wise. Our home on Elma Street had sold and we needed to figure out what our next step was going to be. Something about Stephen's message, coupled with the fact that we had just driven by an empty lot that was for sale in downtown High River, inspired us to reach out. We were at the SEED Homes facility the next day and started a conversation that has sprouted into both a partnership and a friendship.

Quite by accident we became the first of something. Our SEED Home was the first of its kind. It landed on the engineered screw piles in late November of 2023. Within four weeks we were given the keys. By early February, most of the finishing details were completed and we were fully living in the home. By April we were held an open house that attracted over 60 visitors. We also hosted a delegation from Nunavut considering the SEED Homes concept as a potential solution to the housing challenges that have lingered in the far north for generations. 

The SEED has been planted and is really starting to take root. A press release has just come out announcing an exciting partnership with NCC Development Limited to address the housing crisis in the far north. Sprouts are popping up in communities across the country as this innovative modular housing concept takes hold.


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