The magic 20


I started my Ideal Protein reset back on March 11th. It's strange what inspires me to commit to following the program, but this time it was wanting to fit into a hand-me-down piece of clothing. Simple as that. I started out at 192.4 pounds. This morning I am at 172, over twenty pounds lighter.

You may wonder what an average day looks like in terms of food. So, I'll tell you.

For breakfast I enjoy my two cups of coffee before having my protein shake.

For lunch I make a batch of vegetable soup with either an Ideal Protein Multi Grain-Seeded Bread or Salted Caramel Flavoured Chocolatey Clusters.

Dinner last night was crab stuff salmon with sautéed zucchini, mushrooms and bell peppers.  

An evening snack consisted of a bag of Butter Popcorn Flavoured Popped Cakes. 

That's it. Without feeling hungry or having cravings, I lost a half pound yesterday.

To be fair, not all days are perfect, nor do all days result in a weight drop. Sometimes there is a slight gain before things drop. Several things factor into this reality including your ability to go to the bathroom and the amount of water you've had to drink. Serving sizes can slow down the weight loss, too. After doing the program for several months, everything is routine. However, when you are first starting out, measuring out your veggies is super important. 

I am about 10 pounds shy of my goal weight. I am determined to see the low 160s again. Where I am now is where I want to be when I am fully back to eating regular foods. However, to do that I need to lose a little bit more. It is normal and expected to put on 5 percent when you transition out of ketosis. Based on my current weekly weight loss, I'll be ready to move in Phase 2 of the program by the third week of May. 

You'll notice from the graph at the top of this post that I weigh myself to start each day. While I wouldn't recommend this practice for all my dieters, it works for me. It keeps me accountable and helps me learn about how this program is working on a daily basis. It's something I look forward to each day. 

Want to learn more about the Ideal Protein program? We are an independent and authorized clinic now located in High River. We are helping dieters from our house, but will soon be opening our formal Ideal Protein office with the arrival of the Birdsong Studio 3.0 building. That happens on Monday. It will be a couple of weeks to complete the finishing details inside...but we are getting close.

Send me an email at or text 403-910-0843. This is a program that is working for me and for our growing cadre of dieters eager to live a healthier, slimmer life. 


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