Energy and Balance


Tomorrow is the much anticipate total eclipse of the sun. I wonder if the energy I feel in the world today is related to it. I feel a sense of tension, slight imbalance, and disquiet. 

It is one of those days when I would like to go outside and do some physical work. However, with the recent snowfall in its final melting phase, conditions are still too muddy to do anything of value in the yard. I placed one step around the side of the house and felt my shoe sinking in the sludge. I stepped back.

The dogs have been acting a little strange today, too. At first I thought it was because of the departure of my sister and brother-in-law. Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe it is this strange cosmic alignment that is approaching.  

I'm still learning what to do when the energy is off. Mostly, I just keep moving forward, trusting that it will change, eventually. Are you feeling it?


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