Unexpected surprises


We have been living in temporary accommodations in High River for a number of days (with thanks to Brenda for hooking us up with the guest suite in her condo building). Each day, we find something new to do and discover. We’ve had wonderful meals at various establishments including the Creperie which is literally a half a block from our lot. We’re becoming way more familiar with the layout of the town and its many services. And we keep getting surprised, in a most delightful way, with what High River has to offer.

Yesterday, we picked up Coco and Shay from the sitters and brought them back to High River. We parked on our lot and walked into the forest adjacent to Happy Trails, the berm and walking path that protects the town from the Highwood River. 

Filled with myriad natural walking paths, this area is abundant with birds including hawks, ospreys, eagles, and even turkey vultures (as one fellow hiker shared). There is also a variety of trees, clearings, and easy access to the river in several spots. We were on the far southwest edge of the paths, walking parallel to the Highwood River, when I quietly said to Heather, “Moose, straight ahead.”

We quickly leashed the dogs and stood still for a few moments as the moose, maybe 10 feet away from us, gently walked in the opposite direction on the other side of a bush. It was a remarkable moment that felt - to me - like a great gift. That was our closest encounter with a moose in the wild by a country mile. 

Our walk on the trails within this forest ecosystem ended up being about 6 kilometres, and we only tried a small portion of the trails. To have this kind of walking experience, a mere five blocks from our lot, is an unexpected surprise and a blessing beyond measure. 

The sun was high and hot by the time we got back to our lot. We sat in a couple of plastic muskoka chairs in the shade offered by the huge maple trees that line the west boundary of our land. It was so refreshing sitting there in abundant shade on a hot summer day. Both dogs settled in, scratching themselves a comfortable sleeping spot next to us. Our yard will be small, but it will be a wonderful refuge. I can imagine sitting outside, reading or painting, very easily.

Our plan today is to take all the weeds we’ve pulled and take them to the landfill. I pulled so many, that it will likely take three or four trips. It gives us something to do to pass the time. We will visit SEED Homes one more time tomorrow afternoon to see the progress on our house build before driving up to Grande Prairie on Thursday to spend a week with my sister and brother-in-law. 


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