Always learning

Life is learning.  It’s just that simple.  As I’m getting long in the tooth, I’ve learned a few things.

After having done over 1,400 paintings, I’ve learned brush strokes, colour choices and various techniques to paint a wide variety of subjects.  I’m slowly getting better.

I’ve learned that sales slow down in the summer.  People abandon their computers and spend time in the great outdoors.  That’s a good thing.  Summer is a time to create and explore.  That said, I’m still trying various things to generate some sales activity in the hot and sunny days.  I’m slowly learning.

I have known for some time that I need to produce on a daily basis for my mental health.  I push myself quite hard and am learning not to push as hard.  “To have good output, you need to take time for input.”  The legendary Peter Frampton said that in an interview that I listened to.  I’m trying to invest more time in down time.  I still experience internal resistance in this area.

Staying still is toxic for my creative soul.  I am always trying and testing new ideas and ways of growing our business and my art.  Some things work, other things don’t.  I learn either way. 

As we are self employed and rely on the various streams of revenue to sustain our lives, I sometimes worry about money, just like most people.  I’m learning to be more patient when things are slower and more efficient when things are busy.  The balance of the two is allowing us to enjoying a comfortable and stable life in our beautiful community of Okotoks.

Tomorrow is a new day, and more learning awaits. 


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