New Year, new explorations

The days are flipping by in this nuanced period between Christmas and New Year.  Soon 2017 will arrive, complete with its equal measure of optimism (economy and rebuild) and uncertainty (global unrest and a Trump presidency).  Locally, we are heading into an election year and what will likely be a wild ride for current and aspiring politicians.

I'm less concerned with external things and more focused on small things within my personal sphere of control.  I thought it might be useful to write down a few things that I want to put into this next trip around the sun.

1.  Health - Sure!  Let's start with the big one.  A lot of people will be making resolutions and plans about their body in the next few days.  I actually got a jump on this one just a few days before Christmas.  I'm down about 5 pounds at the moment, after several days of essential cheating.  Now that we're through the family dinners and alluring treats put out on the counters, I'm going to knuckle down and get into a better eating routine.  Who's with me?

2.  Still Life - I did one of my first still life paintings at The Reason concert - an interpretation of a woodcut of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.  I'm interested in painting simple things that are part of our lives and seeing what happens.  Heather has this little Buddha statue sitting by the fireplace; it might be next.

3.  Plein air - when the weather warms up I want to try painting scenes in nature.  The more I paint, the more desire I have to explore and try new things.  While watching "The Crown" on Netflix I learned that former British PM Winston Churchill was a rather prolific landscape painter.  It might be fun to experience its allure.

4.  Reading - in the last few weeks I've returned to two classics: Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham and 1984 by George Orwell.  I cycle back to novels I have read previously as they provide me wonderful relaxation and a sense of home.  I want to read more in 2017.  I also have some more academically oriented books in the pile including a Christmas gift from my father-in-law Neil on the theatre of colour and painting and two books on creativity by my Mindcamp friend Cecilia Yau.

I'm not a person who thinks too far ahead.  I like to stay in the present as much as possible.  However, I am intrigued by what lies ahead in 2017.  I am also excited by the possibility of tomorrow.  Who knows what will happen or what I'll discover.


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