Breathe. Go. Accept. Embrace.

I will begin my annual migration to Mindcamp late on Saturday night.  I'm taking the red-eye to Toronto, spending a few days in the Guelph area, then going to YMCA Geneva Park (near the small community of Rama) - the home of Canada's annual creativity conference.

A couple of great explanations have been offered up by my friends Tony Esteves and Jim Ridge in recent days, via the Mindcamp website.  If you're curious, compelled or even slightly interested, give one or both of these videos a watch.

My approach to Mindcamp is pretty simple.  I breathe. I go. I accept. I embrace.

I have no sense of who I will meet, what I will learn, what I will teach, how my life will be changed, or how I might change someone else's life.  I breathe, deeply. I travel the thousands of kilometres to get there.  I accept whatever the universe intends for me.  I embrace everything I learn, teach, and experience.

The Mindcamp team does an incredible job of laying out a fine curriculum of learning opportunities and communicating on a regular basis, so the planners in the crowd can design their time well in advance of the conference.  I will make my decisions a little bit closer to the time I need to make them.

This will be my fourth Mindcamp.  The first time I went solo.  The second, I was joined by my entire family.  Last year, Dylan and I attended Mindcamp together - he volunteered as a Banana.  This time I am flying solo once again. It is much-anticipated "Me" time.

Over those years, I have met some wonderful people and had more life-changing moments than I can count.

What will happen this year?  What will I learn?  Who will I meet?  I really have no expectations except that I intend to be mindful, curious, open to possibilities and creative.

I will have a good quantity of art supplies with me as I'll be leading a painting workshop next Saturday.  That will afford me the opportunity to do some live painting in various locations during the three day creativity retreat.  I've discovered that painting in and amongst people is something that I really enjoy. So, that is the one thing I am planning in advance.

Meanwhile, I will breathe, go, accept and embrace.


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