The Odd Couple Romp, Part 12

One week.  Seven days.  This show is almost ready to deliver to an audience.

It felt supremely weird being away from the gang for a longer stretch of days off than normal.  As we had some people away on the weekend, we focused instead on getting the set ready.

Zenon donated his carpentry skill to make a couple of necessary adjustment to some flats and a window unit on Friday night while a group of us spent Saturday afternoon applying several coats of paint to the set.

It was fun to work alongside Sharon, Jim, Leanne, Natalie, Mykenzie and Ben in a good old fashioned painting party.  I hadn't done one of those in probably 15 years.  During a regular Keyano Theatre Company production, the set magically appears and evolves as we get closer and closer to opening; we (the performers) take it for granted in many ways.  The Stage 2 series is a little different, with more hands, including those of the performers, to do the work required.  I love it.

When I was young and in my prime (sounds like the beginning of a bad poem), I was involved in all aspects of theatre production, from design to lighting, costume selection to painting platforms.  This experience has felt a little regressive in that way, but a very good way. It has reminded me that a lot of effort from a lot of people makes the KTC machine seem to run so efficiently and seamlessly.  The truth of it is that from an actor's perspective - which has been my vantage point for a long time - set, costumes, props and lights seem to arrive effortlessly, on queue.

I'm so grateful to Natalie and Gordan for taking care of Wednesday night's rehearsal, allowing me to attend the Rotary Club's Integrity Awards.  They did an excellent job, as did the cast, as illustrated by the strong run they had last night.

We will run two more times before doing cue to cue on Monday and a technical dress on Tuesday.  Wednesday will be a pay-what-you-can soft preview; we open next Thursday.  You'll have two additional chances to see THE ODD COUPLE on Friday and Saturday night.  I hope you will gift yourself a night of live theatre and the fun and laughter it will generate.

Click here then click on the BUY NOW button to grab your tickets.


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