The Odd Couple Romp, Epilogue

What did The Odd Couple theatrical journey mean to the folks who travelled the miles?  The "Epilogue" serves to provide some insight and reflections that punctuate the value of the community theatre experience.

Chris Bowers - Speed

I find myself facing a familiar dilemma as I sit writing in the quiet hours of the morning on the day of our last performance of The Odd Couple. I am tired – exhausted would be a better word. My sleeping and eating habits are a mess. For the last 2 months, my life has largely revolved around reading my script, learning and running lines, figuring out my blocking and attempting to understand my character, Speed. The scheduling for these tasks means that I am rarely ever at home as I find myself either at work or at rehearsal with little time in between. Much like my first experience with Keyano Theatre, however, I am saddened that the experience is coming to an end.

The first time I got involved with Keyano Theatre Company, I was afforded the opportunity as an ensemble and minor character cast member of Les Miserables. There were occasions throughout where I was wondering what I had gotten myself into. Clearly, what I was left with at the conclusion of that production was a sense of accomplishment and brotherhood; the other side effects forgotten as I considered myself part of the Keyano Theatre family. I wanted to do it all again! I jumped at the chance to audition for The Odd Couple – and to my surprise, was offered the role of Speed (the character that I really wanted) which I gladly accepted. It has been a long time since I had been part of a small cast production, and I’m happy that I got the opportunity to join one again.

This production has indeed been a challenge for me. It is heavily reliant on knowing your lines and your cues. Timing is everything and knowing your character is crucial. You also need to place a lot of faith and trust in your cast mates. The challenge is one that I met gladly, and found it incredibly rewarding.

Zenon – You are a wonder to watch on stage and you never miss a beat. I will truly miss your moose calls and our backstage banter. I have learned a lot from you and hope to see more of that lazer sharp wit in the future both on stage and as a cast mate.

Dave – You have a heart of gold and you put everything you had into Oscar. It was extremely entertaining watching Oscar develop over the last 2 months and you should be very proud of the result. I have never seen anyone quite as accident prone as you, but it goes to show just how dedicated you are to the production.

Jim – You have quite possibly created the best foil for my character ever! You were whiny, annoying, clueless and you won at poker way too much for someone who “just learned” the game. Please, please, please audition for future shows!! No stale bananas – I promise!

Tim – I have no idea how you stay in character as long as you do. Before the show and between scenes you somehow manage to keep being Murray as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. I’m beginning to wonder if, when you go home to your wife and kids, Murray is the one who walks through the door. Also, I think you could do a spin-off series with the apartment maintenance man.

Michael – Nobody pulls off yellow coloured pants and an ascot quite like you. I really do think you could pull it off in real life. It was a pleasure sitting beside you at the round table.

Diana – Thank you so much for helping me with my makeup! Apparently I don’t give enough credit to those who wear eyeliner. Your characterization of Cecily Pigeon certainly made Speed’s pulse quicken.

Leanne – Do not let this be your last show! The accent and character came so naturally to you that I have to say I am jealous. If you aren’t around, who is going to keep Oscar in line?

Natalie – Keep doing what you are doing. You have wisdom beyond your years, you don’t take flak from anybody and you are scary at all the right moments! You will continue to make a great Stage Manager in the future – of this I have no doubt.

Russell – I can never thank you enough for letting me be a part of this adventure! You were an amazing director and assembled such a talented, funny and welcoming cast. I will continue to develop the skills I learned from this experience and I look forward to the possibility of working with you again.

Scott/Noah/Sharon and Keyano Volunteers – You guys are awesome! We couldn’t do it without you.
I am truly thankful to all of you and I am sincerely glad we got to work together.

Now, as we approach our final curtain call, I am truly saddened at the thought that this will be our last run through the show. But while sad, I am also smiling. We lived and we laughed. In turn, we made others laugh, giggle, chuckle, snort and guffaw! This should be a moment of celebration in what we’ve created. Tonight, the chips will fall and the last cards will be dealt; it is time to show our hands. Soon, Speed will make a final appearance and then fade into shadow and memory, as with the rest of the “ol’ gang.” But much like poker, one hand is only a part of the game. Who knows what the next one may bring?

Leanne Osmond - Gwendolyn Pigeon

Where do I even begin... First off, I guess I should express how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to do something like this. Not only for being a part of such an incredible show, but for the chance to meet new people and become friends with this group.

As hokey as it might sound, I made this New Year's resolution to try new things and be more creative. Landing the role of Gwendolyn in The Odd Couple gave me the perfect chance to follow through. The feelings of accomplishment I have after working so hard with such an amazing group of people is just unreal.

Before this, I was just a theatre spectator; someone sitting in the audience. But actually taking that leap to perform on the stage is an experience I will hold dear for the rest of my life. I have discovered a new passion in myself... this might have been my first theatre performance but it will not be my last.

Zenon Campbell - Felix Ungar

This cast is amazing. The way we bonded through the process has left me feeling these people have been my friends as long as the characters in the show have been. I am so proud to play a part beside each of them. The only downside is that all the poker may have started a gambling addiction for me.

Jim Geary - Vinnie

WOW!!! What a blast! As if the play itself wasn't one of the funniest plays I've ever been in, to be backstage with those guys was a regular riot. And the door getting stuck on opening night was the icing on the cake. It was great. Thanks for having me along for the ride.

Sharon Heading - Designer

Very excited to have expanded my community! Can't wait to do it again. This experience is why I love to call Fort McMurray home. So many terrific folks!!!

Dave Boutilier - Oscar

Being cast in The Odd Couple was by far, led to one of the best theatre experiences I've had... ever. The ensemble, the design, the tech, the set, and of course the direction led to, in my opinion, one of the funniest pieces of theatre the recital theatre has ever seen.

Community theatre has a special place in our hearts. It allows us to come together, and create an unique vision to share with the whole city. And to be given the opportunity to captivate in such a wonderful space is expressionism at its finest.

Throughout this production, I've been fortunate enough to be introduced to strangers and part with friends, work with volunteers who should be professionals, and share the stage with actors but take bows with family.

Thank you again, for a wonderful experience that I will treasure forever.


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