The Festival Ticks

On Saturday nights at interPLAY, when everything comes together, when the storm clouds pass and the stars shine, the beauty and import of the event come into clear focus.
"Take in this view," I said, "through the lens of 72 hours from now. That's what makes this special."
There is the middle of Franklin Avenue was a stage with Spirit of the West putting on an amazing show, with dozens dancing at the front and hundreds watching from the TransAlta tent or in the beer garden. On Monday morning, this scene reverts back to traffic.
It takes an incredible collection of people to put the interPLAY party together. Images of many of those people flashed through my head as I reflected about it all sitting in a chair wet from rain, legs stretched out. Claude in his funny hat, moving back and forth, making sure that everything was running smoothly-a high-five to one of his staff as they passed, a hand on the shoulder of someone else.
'He's always so happy," said one person with a smile. "He's incredible."
Claude out front, there was an army of talent in the background, in my peripheral vision: Marlon behind the front of house sound board-calm, cool, assured; Jenn in the artists' compound, shuttling the musicians back and forth and making sure their needs were met; Clay walking back and forth on the street, getting the garbage cans and recycling bins ready for the next day's rush; Pavlina-our business manager-experiencing her first interPLAY and adeptly handling the largest number of marketplace and food vendors in our 25 years; Misty walking up smiling on my right, with her husband, taking in a slice of music before heading home after a great day of taking care of things.
We sat around at breakfast yesterday morning, most of the team, to fuel up before what always turns out to be the biggest day of interPLAY. The years of experience, knowledge and wisdom sitting around the table combined with fresh eyes and ears combined to create a very strong team. The festival ticks because of the people. It's as simple as that. It ticks because of the 20 years experience of Alan, the 5 years experience of Christina and the first experience of Kalin. And when it's ticking like that, it's just plain fun to watch.
August 8, 2010 - 196 lbs., 27.9% body fat
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